MASA Member Benefits
MASA Active Member Benefits
Legislative Advocacy
- MASA serves as an advocate for legislation of importance to school administrators.
- MASA lobbyists include an experienced professional who served eight years as a key member of the House of Representatives and two additional lobbying firms shared with other school administrator organizations.
- MASA also utilizes retired school administrators in partnership with MASA regional districts on a part-time basis to network in the state Capitol with elected officials and in their regions with MASA members.
- The legislative advocacy service of MASA is highly respected in the state Capitol because it is effective.
Professional Development
- MASA offers a variety of professional development programs to members and is active in helping implement systemic reform programs mandated by SB380 and No Child Left Behind.
- "Aspiring Superintendent" program recruits new candidates for the superintendency.
- Mentor program assists superintendents in need of specific services.
- MCSA OUTREACH began operation as a 501 (c) 3 Foundation on July 1, 2001.
Conferences & Events
- Annual spring conference features programs and speakers on relevant topics.
- Annual fall conference held in partnership with the Missouri School Boards' Association.
- Annual awards banquet recognizes and honors MASA members.
- Annual breakfast and reception held during the AASA National Conference on Education.
- Annual golf tournament held for the enjoyment of members.
- District meetings
Timely Information
- Members receive frequent mailings on important education and association matters.
- Quarterly publications feature articles about professional concerns and association activities.
- Weekly bulletins are emailed to all members during the legislative session.
Legal Services
- Up to $1000 reimbursement for legal expenses incurred by members defending contract challenges.
- Articles in MASA Spotlight with information about key legal decisions and new laws that affect public schools.
- Model contract and workshops to help members become knowledgeable about its content and use.
Additional information on Legal Services can be found at the Legal Services tab above.
Professional Advocacy
- MASA, along with MAESP, MASSP, MCCTA, and MoASBO administers the Better Schools for Missouri (formerly Missouri School Administrators Political Action Committee (MSAPAC), which identifies candidates who support education issues.
- MASA represents superintendents at educational meetings and hearings throughout the state.
- MASA maintains an effective liaison with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
School District Service
- MASA provides expert consultation and assistance to school districts on school finance and budget related concerns on a fee basis.
- MASA provides consultation and assistance to school districts regarding communication issues.
- MASA provides consultation and assistance to school districts on strategic planning.
- MASA, through its office staff, also serves as a clearinghouse for members in identifying sources of information to assist members with administrative questions and/or research problems.
"AASA, The School Superintendents Association" Membership Categories
(additional information available at
Active Member (Large School - over 350 students)
- Active Membership - $470.00 - for superintendents, assistant and deputy superintendents. Members in this category receive all AASA benefits and services, including the Legal Support Program ($1M individual professional liability coverage/up to $10K for job protection defense claims based on continuous years of membership, $500 deductible), a member discount when registering for AASA conferences and more.
Active Member (Small School - less than 350 students)
- Small School District Leader - $235.00 - for superintendents in school districts with less than 350 students. Members in this category receive all the benefits of Active membership as described above.
MASA Business Associate Member Benefits
As a Business Associate you will:
- Demonstrate your support of public-school administrators.
- Receive recognition of your membership in the MASA Spotlight, in the MASA Membership Directory, and in the MASA Spring Conference registration packet.
- Be provided a link from the MASA Internet site directly to your business website.
- Receive one copy of each mailing of the MASA Spotlight.
- May reach out to MASA Regional Presidents to inquire about meeting sponsorships
- Receive one copy of the MASA Pictorial Membership Directory.
- Receive priority in obtaining a booth at the MASA Spring Conference if received by deadline.
- Business may note MASA Business Associate Membership in publications, advertising, and website.
- Receive one electronic set of contact information for MASA active members
Cost: $300.00
Need more information?
Contact Melissa Shannon:
(573) 638-4825