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Missouri Association of School Administrators

Leadership Programs


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Early Career Coaching Program for Superintendents

Superintendents who will be serving in 2024-2025 as a second- or third-year Missouri superintendent have recently received a direct email from Dr. John Jungmann, Coordinator of Superintendent Coaching, providing access to an enrollment form for the Early Career Superintendent Coaching Program for next year.  If you believe you qualify for the program and did not receive an email, please contact him at john.jungmann@mcsa.org.  The goal of the program is to ensure our superintendents receive additional support to grow their impact on student success while increasing both job satisfaction and retention in their role as school superintendent. The program will provide you with an executive coach who has effectively served as a superintendent in the state of Missouri in the past. The coach will spend 15 to 20 hours of in-person and/or virtual contact time working with you throughout the year and be an asset to your continued growth and development. Thanks to the investments from both MASA and DESE, this program is provided at no cost to the superintendent or the district and continues for the fourth year.  Enrollment last year included 107 superintendents throughout the state.  The deadline for enrollment is Friday, May 24, 2024.