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Missouri Association of School Administrators

Business / Associate Members


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McKinstry is a national leader in designing, constructing, operating and maintaining high-performing buildings. From new construction and ongoing operations to adaptive reuse and energy retrofits, the company provides a single point of accountability across the entire building lifecycle. 

McKinstry focuses on people and outcomes to ensure the built environment serves owners, operators and occupants alike.  We have completed dozens of projects across the state and would love to speak with you about how McKinstry can help your district. 

McKinstry is your trusted partner for the life of your building.  Learn more at www.McKinstry.com


Ray Crespo                                             John Moennig                                John Clancy
Sr. Account Executive                             Construction Manager                    Construction Services 
Springfield, MO                                       St. Louis, MO                                  St. Louis, MO
raycr@mckinstry.com                             johnmoe@mckinstry.com                johncl@mckinstry.com          
314.356.8333                                          314.486.5796                                  573.578.0259