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Missouri Association of School Administrators

Conferences & Workshops


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MASA School Finance for New & Emerging Superintendents

Presenter: Dr. Jim Cummins, Superintendent (Retired), Neosho School District


This school finance workshop is designed to provide a higher level of understanding for superintendents, chief financial officers, and other central office administrators in their first five years on the job. 


If you are looking for practical information to build your capacity as a financial decision maker and some tools to help you make a positive impact for your district, this workshop is for you.  


The program will address the following topics:

  • Developing a school finance calendar. 
  • School Finance concepts and terminology.
  • Important processes and protocols to protect you, your school district, and your staff.
  • Specialty Information – bond issues, tax levies, etc.


Date: Monday, September 16, 2024


Lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Workshop from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.




MCSA Education Center, 3550 Amazonas Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109


Live-Stream Webinar  / Recorded Option.


Cost: $60


(There is no charge if you are a MASA Video Library Subscriber and register to participate virtually. You must register as a virtual participant)


Deadline to register is Wednesday, September 11, 2024.



Register Here!



Workshop registration cancelations will only be accepted 72 hours (three business days) prior to the event. All cancelations received less than 72 hours prior to the event will be subject to the full registration charge. ALL cancelations will be subject to a $20 administrative charge. NO SHOWS will be charged the full amount.