MASA Communication Planning Documents
As part of its member services, MASA offers group workshops to assist districts develop communication plans. The documents below support the workshop. If your district would like to develop a workshop with neighboring school districts, please contact MASA's Director of Communications, Marci Orr, for assistance.
(573) 638-4825
Comm Planning Tools and Methods.pdf
Comm Planning Tools and Methods.docx
Comm Plann Internal and External Audiences (2).pdf
Comm Plann Internal and External Audiences (2).docx
Project Based Communication Plan Grid.pdf
Project Based Communication Plan Grid.docx
Single Page Communication Plan Guide
Best Practices for Social Media - MOSPRA New Member Check-In.pdf
Social Media Response Guide - Affton
Sample Comprehensive Communication Plan -- Affton
Sample Comprehensive Communication Plan -- Mehlville
Sample Comprehensive and annual plan
Communication Planning Presentation 10.17.22.pdf